Development Finance.


Whether you're proposing an infill terraced house development on a suburban site, a luxury multi level apartment complex or a commercial mixed use development, having the right financial backing can make all the difference.

A Breakdown of Our Development Financing Options:

  • Residential standalone and multi unit developments: We offer development financing options for residential projects across New Zealand with a particular focus on Auckland.

  • Vertical apartment developments: We have firsthand experience in financing and developing some of New Zealand’s largest apartment developments.

  • Specialist-use or mixed-use developments: We offer fast, flexible development financing options for mixed use and commercial projects.

Why Choose Fortis Capital for Residential Development Finance?

  • Tailored Financial Solutions: Every residential development is unique. Fortis Capital crafts tailored finance solutions that align seamlessly with the distinct requirements of your residential project.

  • Experts in Apartment Financing: We have firsthand experience in financing and developing some of New Zealand’s largest apartment developments. We understand the intricacies of apartment financing, ensuring your projects are set up for success.

  • Quick Approvals: In the fast-paced world of residential development, delays can be costly. We pride ourselves on our rapid approval processes, helping you to meet key project milestones.

  • Transparency: Clarity is crucial when it comes to finance. We ensure transparent transactions, giving you peace of mind with no hidden surprises.

  • Nationwide Presence: With a pulse on the NZ property market, our residential property finance solutions resonate with projects across the country.

What is Residential Development Finance?

The realm of residential development finance, while promising, can sometimes seem intricate to both new and seasoned developers. At its core, this type of finance is designed to support the construction and sale of residential properties.

Understanding the mechanics of residential development finance is crucial for any developer aiming for success. By leveraging tailored financing solutions like those offered by Fortis Capital, you can ensure your projects are financially viable.

Key Features of Residential Development Finance:

  • Residential development finance caters to projects such as multi-unit terraced houses, apartment complexes, and conversions of existing structures into residential units.

  • Unlike traditional loans, residential development finance provided by leading non-bank lenders is inherently flexible. It's tailored to fit the specific needs of a project, factoring in its size, duration, and projected sales. This means terms and repayment schedules can be adjusted to the development's life cycle.

  • Given the progressive nature of construction, funds are often released in stages. Typically, an initial amount is provided for the purchase or refinance of the land, followed by further tranches as construction milestones are reached.

  • One crucial term you'll encounter in this space is GDV – the estimated value of the project once completed. Lenders, including Fortis Capital, often use GDV as a benchmark to determine the maximum loan amount for a specific project.

  • Navigating the intricacies of residential development finance can be smoother with a specialist lender. Fortis Capital, with its deep expertise in the field, can offer bespoke solutions, industry insights, and a more personalised approach compared to traditional banks.

Our Specialist Services

Land Acquisition Finance

We understand the pivotal role that land plays in any development project and we remove the obstabcles often faced when securing finance.

Land Development Finance

If your goal is to purchase and subdivide raw land into plots for sale, our land development finance solutions have got you covered.

Non-Bank Property Finance

We offer fast, flexible funding for property transactions without the onerous conditions often imposed by traditional Banks.